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16 September 2012

Autumn is coming and I'm so excited to see the beauty of autumn here. Last Sunday, after having breakfast at Kauppatori, we went to Kaivopuisto looking for a beauty of autumn. Since its an early autumn, most of the tree still in green color and there is not much fall leaves yet. Luckily, I found only one tree that has been changing color to red and there's a lot of fall leaves underneath the tree. Here is some photos of the beauty of early autumn at Kaivopuisto. Later, I will come again to Kaivopuisto to see the real beauty of autumn.

Fall leaves at walkway to Kaivopuisto.

Green leaf.
The only tree that has changing color to red.

Falling leaves on the grass.

Wild mushrooms and falling leaves.
Wild mushrooms.
Wild mushrooms.
Bear and fish statue at Kaivopiusto.